• Aleenah Ansari is a product marketing manager at Microsoft who earns six figures.
  • Ansari worked multiple jobs as a teenager to save money and afford big expenses.

I've worked multiple jobs since I was 17, including as a writer and a tutor. Now I'm a full-time product marketing manager at Microsoft and run a freelance writing business on the side.

I've always been good at saving money. If I were planning a trip or attending a friend or family member's wedding, I'd set a goal amount and make a promise to my future self to save it.

This sense of discipline has helped me build up robust savings, which has become my emergency fund.

I still think like my younger self, even though I've consistently made six figures since graduating from college. I'm always thinking about how I can save money with small, everyday actions. This stops "lifestyle creep," where you spend more because you make more.

Here are five tips that I incorporate into my daily routine to maintain my savings.

Make the most of digital coupons and loyalty programs

Whenever I go shopping, whether it's at the grocery store or Target, I'll look up the store and find digital coupons for items I'm purchasing that day. Most of the time, I do this in the store or on the way in, which has saved me money on everything from Tide Pods to a new cardigan sweater.

For example, my fiancé and I had been discussing getting a juicer. On Black Friday, I checked the Target app to find that not only was it $20 off, but I also got $15 off by saving a digital coupon to my digital wallet through Target Circle.

As part of their loyalty programs, some of these stores offer birthday coupons, so I'll plan for larger hauls around that time.

Ask retail stores if they can price match online deals

If I'm set on buying something in the store, I'll look up the item online to see if it's on sale on the retailer's website. If it is, I'll ask an employee if they can honor the sale price if it's a significant difference.

I've had items reduced up to 30% just by asking. Price matching may not be an option in every store or for every item, but it's always worth a shot.

Make coffee and other fun drinks at home

When I first moved into my condo, my first essential purchase was an espresso maker. I've made coffee for myself every morning for five years with that machine. I know many people enjoy the ritual of going to their favorite coffee shop to enjoy a treat, but preparing my coffee every morning is more affordable and I find it grounding.

I buy non-dairy milk and flavorings so I can make my hot drinks exactly how I like them. I even made lavender syrup to recreate the honey-lavender lattes from my favorite brunch spot.

My fiancé and I also use our juicer to try different combinations of fresh fruit juice, so we cut down on buying pressed juices at the store.

A one-time expensive purchase like an espresso machine or juicer can save you a lot in the long term. Grab-and-go options like coffee and small juices are usually overpriced, and cutting these out is a great way to save a little bit every day.

Cancel your free trials immediately

Sometimes I subscribe to a deal like a Lyft Pass during a solo trip or a Doordash DashPass when working remotely in New York for short-term savings on delivery fees.

Anytime I do this, I'll cancel the trial immediately after starting it. Most of the time, I'll still have access to the product during the time I need, but I don't have to rely on my memory or a courtesy reminder that my free trial is ending soon.

This way, I avoid spending money unintentionally, and some companies offer better "return" offers if I decide to restart my subscription later. If I forget to cancel a trial, I'll contact the company via their customer chat to see if they're willing to cancel it.

See an item in person before buying it online

Many stores are adding return-shipping costs if you order a product and want to return it, so I keep this in mind when I order online. I often go see the item in person at a local store or in the city I'm visiting before making snap purchases online.

After I've checked an item out in person, I can wait and buy it when I'm 100% certain I want it. This makes me consider my purchases more carefully and prevents me from careless spending or having to pay for return shipping.

How I stop 'lifestyle creep'

I've incorporated these habits into my daily routine, and now they're second nature. In insolation, the savings aren't huge. But over the long haul, they start to add up.

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